
Multibona 2

Posted by: Galaxis3 December 02, 2019 11:39 pm

Hello, maybe there's someone here who can help me with my problem.
When I switch on my used Multibona 2, the display will show "Please wait, fill up with water" and shortly afterwards "No water" will be displayed and I will be prompted to
Reset 1

The machine is not connected to fixed water but there is enough water

in the

water tank

(float on top).

The pump that is to fill the boiler does not start at all and there is no 230V on the pump or

on the circuit board. Does the

machine possibly have to be connected to solid water, does the machine notice

this at all?

My second problem is a thermal

problem. If the

workshop is cold, the machine can be switched on but the lights flash, the display remains dark. But if you look diagonally into the display, you can see the logo and "Service from 24B".

In the

evening, when it gets warmer, the vending machine goes on normally... But then with the problem what I first described


I know it's too much at once, but you can

't explain

it any shorter, I guess



Bean2cup.org > General > Multibona 2
