
New acquisition KVA

Posted by: Alm November 03, 2021 08:09 am

Hello Kva Forum,

It should at the latest at Christmas a new KVA her. But which one ?

To choose we have chosen the following KVA's
:Miele 6160
DL Ecam 550.65Jura
eq 9 s300The

Miele I could try for 38%(employee discount) to get cheaper.

With the DL, the drip tray is supposed to look like it came out of the bulky waste after a week. Cleaning also somewhat more complex than the other machines ?

Jura e8 the fixed brewing unit... is it really that bad ? When do you have to send it in for inspection ?

Siemens eq 9 is the machine and what I have read the most about various problems. It still looks great though. However I would not get the machine in the house without an extended warranty.

Do you guys have any advice ?

Posted by: swolle November 03, 2021 09:22 am

Siemens Eq6 or Eq8 if they are still available.

Bean2cup.org > General > New acquisition KVA
