
snout full Saeco Odea Giro Plus

Posted by: petersaeco October 05, 2009 03:33 pm

So, I've had enough of my almost 2 year old Saeco Odea Giro plus.now it is 3 times within 17 months at the service.
At 1.ten times after 5 months no water pulled.construction error(sieve does not let through and other things)
after 2.tem times no water pulled.customer service Rep.
and after 4 weeks the same error for 3 times.

All warranty.
The warranty expires in dec 31.
I am separating from Saeco.

Had ordered Bosch TCA 5802 and hope for less trouble.


Posted by: ristretto October 05, 2009 07:48 pm

After the second failed repair attempt one has the right to a new device or a refund of the purchase price. PS: With Saeco (new models) I'm not surprised anymore. I had a Talea once.

Posted by: petersaeco October 05, 2009 07:51 pm

hmmm,whether that is so easy?a new device?

or even price refund.

Posted by: dsktchef October 05, 2009 11:07 pm

I have three unsuccessful attempts in my memory, but there is no clear regulation. But the judges often interpret it that way.

Have returned a PC to LIDL for a girlfriend after 1 1/2 years against reimbursement of the full purchase price.
It is important, however, that you did not do this on warranty, but on liability for material defects (earlier warranty).

Gruß Chris

Posted by: petersaeco October 08, 2009 08:18 pm

What does Early Warranty mean?
Warranty still exist Today, legally, for new goods 24 months and for used goods 12 months, but must be recorded in writing.
Warranty is a voluntary matter of the manufacturer.and warranty is asserted against the dealer.

Bean2cup.org > Saeco > snout full Saeco Odea Giro Plus
