
Caffeo Solo brewing unit error

Posted by: Tanguy October 13, 2019 02:30 am

I had a problem while using the cleaning process ( the one for the brewing unit, not the descaler), the brewing unit stuck in the engaged position so it was not possible to extract.
I tried a few things and finally opened the machine ( something I had already done on a Caffeo Solo & Perfect Milk with success) to reset manually the brewing unit by disengaging the motor.
I managed to do that and manipulated the motor quite a bit before finding the correct position again.
Now the problem :
The machine can brew only one cup before having a problem and shutting down ( displaying the coffee beans blinking in sequence before the shut down). I then have to restart it while pressing the one cup and two cups buttons before being able to make another cup of coffee.
Does anyone have an idea ?
I was thinking maybe a bit of grease in the gears ?

Thanks a lot for any help !

Posted by: Tanguy October 13, 2019 02:31 am

Sorry for the double post, the webserver gave me a 504 error and I did not check before retrying.

Posted by: Fabyan February 28, 2024 09:50 am

Hello we found the solution by contacting the company. we have a Melitta Caffeo Solo and the brewing unit would not go back in.
It turns out the ruber that is on the turning gear has warped over time. if you take it off, the machine can go back in and works.

You can either buy a new rubber piece or use the machine as is.

Hope that helps

Bean2cup.org > Melitta > Caffeo Solo brewing unit error
