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Saeco Talea Ring Plus/ Saeco Incanto Digital SBS


January 12, 2013 02:48 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1

Member No.: 18421

Joined: December 13, 2012

Hello together,
my first one was the Talea, which looks good, makes delicious coffee if you found the right bean, but didn't do its job very long. Ok, admittedly I bought them at auction at the bay used and therefore had no guarantee with it. Di Incanto was still a bit better, but it still didn't work after a few months. This was also used.
The fault for the defects was always the steam nozzle, or at the Talea the MilkIsland.I think the people from Saeco make good to very good coffee with their machines, but the rest is crap. Now we have tried one of Solac, looks great, has best values, but makes coffee to get used to... I think I'll give it up and drink tea soon