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Sell used Schaerer Coffee Art

M. Fucentese

September 15, 2011 12:00 pm


Schaerer Coffee Art

offer a used Schaerer Coffee Art for sale. This is a leasing return. It just needs a thorough cleaning. The machine is from the year 2009 and the counter reading is: total 11309, thereof 5964 coffee products, 2020 cappuccino/dairy coffee, 2 milk/foam, 192 decaffeinated, 2433 hot water, 699 hot chocolate, 191 Chocochino. 377 cleanings were carried out. 6030 brewing piston strokes and 62450g have already been ground. A Brita Aquaquell filter with armature, a Waeco mini cooler for milk and of course the operating instructions with the chip cards (Chef card & Data-save card) are included.

If you are interested please contact me. 0178-2832725, e-mail: