
Please read first: Coffee Bean Jura Z10

Posted by: G2406 November 13, 2022 03:06 pm

Good day together,

in the search for a concrete answer to my concern, I came across already created topics, unfortunately, these almost all degenerated at the latest after the second post in a fundamental debate, which no longer deals with the actual question posed. The search for clarification of my request turned out to be very difficult. I would appreciate it very much if everyone would only address the following question:

I am looking for a coffee bean with and for the following criteria:

Preparation Fully automatic machine: Jura Z10
Coffee specialty: 60% coffee 30% milk specialties (FlatWhite, Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato) 10% espressoWhat

do I like?
Sweet taste, nice crema in the coffeeWhat

don't I like?
Due to an occasionally sensitive stomach, the coffee should be digestible, i.e. if possible no or very little acidity. Bitter (assuming correct preparation settings), should also not be an issue - as I said, I prefer the sweet flavor.

The bean or roastery should have an online store - as I would like to purchase the beans exclusively online.

The roastery CoffeeCircle I have already tested through. This please do not call.

At the same time, I don't want to get "on-site samples" recommended. The list and roasteries are known to me, these I would like to test on occasion (downstream and time).

Thank you for your recommendations.

Posted by: apejovic July 21, 2023 05:29 pm


I had once tried Nivona coffee.

Robusta / Arabica coffee tried. Tasted very good to me, but the better half did not like it.

Generally, darker armor have less bitterness. However, the machine must also be properly adjusted to the beans. Dark roast it should be ground coarser.

For a consistent taste, always use the same beans. When selecting the flavor (on the Z10) test through.

If the powder is too little, bitter substances are also flushed out again.

It is best to try the coffee hot and then cold.

With cold coffee, you can taste the bitterness better.


The video is not so bad as a rough guide. But it doesn't have to be done that way.

I once had a coffee "Happy Coffee". Same game as above. For me super, but the better half has also not tasted.

A mini drop of milk can also positively influence the taste.

Bean2cup.org > Coffee & Co. > Please read first: Coffee Bean Jura Z10
