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WIK Cam 50 good or not? field report

WIK Cam 50 good or not? experiencer

ehemaliger WIK Benutzer   

March 21, 2010 06:44 pm


former WIK user

>br>WIK Cam 50 good or not?

in family we had 2 WIK Cam 50 ( identical AEG ) in operation.
That the brewing group ( ejection tray more and more wet )had to be overhauled after two years,yes was to be seen ( I have been able to do it myself )
Now recently my son, then half a year later my defect gone.
After research probably sledge is broken from brewing group transport.
In both cases the people of WIK don't get out of the plan themselves !

Plan ?????
And so WITHOUT plan to repair was too dangerous for me.

Repair costs about € 100.- net/gross, they have not said.
With repair and transport costs there and back I expect there times fast ca.
€ 140.-

Is someone in the forum who has already done something like this.

After only less than 3 years machine defective?
not exactly reliable for me as quality and trustworthy!

Who has experience with other machines that last longer?

WIK ( AEG ) doesn't come into my house anymore.