
Questions from a QM 5000A new owner

Posted by: Dr.Bellows January 24, 2009 02:03 pm

First of all my warm greetings to all QM VA owners !

Beauty that there is this forum, because I had read through many threads here for a long time until finally my purchase decision was made that it will be a QuickMill 5000A.

Now I'm not a newcomer to VA, but was already one of the first owners of a fully automatic espresso machine (a Saeco family - who doesn't know it : metal housing and brass boiler, one of the first VA), but now after more than 15 years and certainly 20000 cups must retire, because now worn out badly.)

The QM 5000A is something else, and I like a good espresso, which all the other department stores VA´s just can't afford.

Now My questions (I already had the tips from Mr.Smith, but I am helpless to implement them) and I hope to gain experience and tips from confirmed QM users:

- Adjust grinding degree and coffee quantity

Which grinding degree and coffee quantity do I best adjust in relation to a water quantity of 70 ml?
at the moment the degree of grinding is 2.5 and the amount of water I prefer is set to 70 ml (scale wheel at 1.5).
I was not able to measure the amount of coffee, but when the door was open I observed that the coffee overfilled the sieve and then at the top it always fell off through the piston, which
muck me honestly, because it really crumbles the machine. The wheel with the line is at 12 o'clock. Still as calm as I got them from the factory.
is that normal ?

- Water After-running
The machine after-runs after the preparation of an espresso. Somewhere comes water that runs into the drip tray. Anyway, I hear it softly "pulling" and then there is always some water, about 2-3 tbs. in the drip pan. Normal?

Can this be turned off or is it just normal like with some screen carrier machines due to the pressure? I don't think that's exactly optimal for a VA, because this results in a lot of extra cleaning work per day.

- Pressure
The pressure display went up to 13 bar at my first Espresso´s, so in the red range !
I did another rinse and the last covers were now at 8 bar.
Is that so okay? or would a little more pressure be better and if so how do I reach the?

- water hardness and bean variety

Our drinking water is very hard here. I've now tried two coffees that went with the old Saeco VA, so to speak: altomayo (a bio product) and Mrs. Rose beans - which is quite expensive. The altomayo prepared espressos are bitter and have no hint of an almond-like taste. The espresso from Mrs. Rose beans smells very good. with a slight aroma of almond and tastes better, but I've drank better in espresso shops around the corner that use the same city - water.

Is that due to my bean choice? the water? the machine setting ? or at all three points simultaneously and what should I do to achieve a better result ?

- Piepston.

When switching on the QM does this check and acknowledges everyone with one of those ugly 1 khz tones, which are produced by the cheapest of all Piezos. QM could have taken something better for such a professional VA. Well, is there a way to turn it off or has the user community already got used to it? !

A lot of questions from an unsuspecting QM newbie. It is clear to me that such a VA can not achieve the result of a good screen carrier device, but according to many QM owners who have spoken about it worldwide on the internet, it can come quite close.

Then I would like to thank the reader here that he has taken the trouble to follow my questions up to here and look forward to advice and tips.

P.S. I have already found the QM cleaning tip page: (http://www.whatis.mynetcologne.de/quickmill/index.html)

Posted by: mr.smith January 24, 2009 05:35 pm

- Adjust grind and coffee quantity

Which grind and coffee quantity do I best adjust in relation to a water quantity of 70 ml?
at the moment the grinding degree is set to 2.5 and the amount of water I prefer is set to 70 ml (scale wheel set to 1.5).
I was not able to measure the amount of coffee, but when the door was open I observed that the coffee overfilled the sieve and at the top it was always falling off through the piston, which
I honestly find annoying, because it crumbles the machine quite a bit. The wheel with the line is at 12 o'clock. Still as calm as I got them from the factory.
is that normal ?

Is normal - but should not be like this.
Reduce the grinding quantity until the scraper does not touch the edge.
The grinding degree should always be set so that the throughput (first to last drop 30 sec.) - actually no matter if you set 30 ml or 70 ml.
(You control the lead time by the degree of grinding)
30 sec is the parameter you can follow.

- Water Follow-up
The machine continues running after an espresso has been prepared. Somewhere comes water that runs into the drip tray. Anyway, I hear it softly "pulling" and then there is always some water, about 2-3 tbs. in the drip pan. Normal?

Is normal !
This is the residual water that MV (solenoid valve) - leaves the system after purchase.

Can you turn it off or is it normal like some screen carrier machines because of the pressure? I don't think that's exactly optimal for a VA, because it causes a lot of extra work for cleaning.

Switch off - No
Expenditure is therefore no longer !?
Once a day you should empty anyway.

- Pressure
The pressure display went up to 13 bar at my first Espresso´s, so in the red area !
I did another rinse and the last covers were now at 8 bar.
Is that so okay? or would a little more pressure be better and if so how do I get the?

Pressure should be higher (30 sec. run)
Increase by finer grind.

- Water hardness and bean type

Our drinking water is very hard here. I've now tried two coffees that went with the old Saeco VA, so to speak: altomayo (a bio product) and Mrs. Rose beans - which is quite expensive. The altomayo prepared espressos are bitter and have no hint of an almond-like taste. The espresso from Mrs. Rose beans smells very good. with a slight aroma of almond and tastes better, but I've drank better in espresso shops around the corner that use the same city - water.

Is that due to my bean choice? the water? the machine setting ? or at all three points simultaneously and what should I do to get a better result ?

Bitter (I think you're sour - mix up at the beginning)
is a sign of too short run time = too coarse grist = too little pressure. Set finer (30 sec.) & you will see that the taste gets rounder

- Piepston.

When switching on the QM makes this check and acknowledges each with one of these ugly 1 khz tones, which are produced by the cheapest of all Piezos. QM could have taken something better for such a professional VA. Well, is there a way to disable it or has the user community already got used to it ?!

I cut the cable during my leave QM.
At home I have gotten used to it.

>Hot fun with the QM


Posted by: Dr.Bellows January 25, 2009 06:15 pm

Thanks Mr.Smith (Jürgen) for the competent answers.

Anyway, your advice has already brought a slightly better coffee - I'm still experimenting with the grinder settings and the amount of coffee. At least I've achieved a little less coffee mess. So I notice that the road to a really good espresso is a long one and requires a lot of research and some bean consumption smile.gif

The after-running of the MV is a bit annoying and unusual.
The QM manual is a real joke, leaves a lot of questions unanswered and you really have to rely on professional help.

What I find problematic is the setting of the grinding degree: Manual says in addition: only when the mill is grinding (as with all VA) I only have to open the door and bridge the contact, which I made so far with a tea spoon, which I put in there. Only then I miss a hand by case my left.
Gives me an idea to solve that better and then have both hands free ?

Beauty week !
wanted Dr.Bellows

Posted by: mr.smith January 25, 2009 10:13 pm

You can bypass the switch by unscrewing the rear and front housing - and shutting down the mechanism with Isoband.

Grinding degree can be adjusted even without the mill running !
Is no problem - if you don't screw extremely finer and because a bean is stuck.
You only screw a little finer anyway - try then - ...
You can do that even when the mill is at a standstill.
Gröber - anyway !


Posted by: Dr.Bellows February 01, 2009 02:33 pm

Thank you Mr. Smith , I followed your answer attentively and after long grind settings and coffee dosage settings now a satisfactory espresso.
Now still the fresh beans from the roastery, bought weekly and all are satisfied who pull an espresso at the Qm.

The pressure now goes to 9 bar when brewing and the espresso breuhct so about 22 - 24 seconds in the run. So first drop to last drop. Or how do you measure the ??

>I still don't like the after-pulling, especially since you always think there is something broken, because there is a lot of water running into the drip tray, but if so...

The beeping I let endure about me until the warranty is over and then the cable is cut.
I bridged the door contact now with a clothespin made of wood, so lala , but I don't want to tinker with too much new stuff, I rather have two left hands.

Is there a reference counter at the machine? I have seen a QM 5000A at auction on ebay, which indicates exactly how much the device has already brewed: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290293058373

>anyway first thank you and you can hear from each other here in the forum ! smile.gif

Posted by: mr.smith February 01, 2009 10:15 pm

The pressure now goes up to 9 bar when brewing and the espresso brauhct so approx. 22 - 24 seconds in run. So first drop to last drop. Or how to measure the ??

above 10bar and 30sec would be even better.
- Yes 1 to last drop ! at 25-30ml

Is there a reference counter at the machine? I have seen a QM 5000A on ebay for auction, which indicates exactly how much the device has already brewed

Yes - u. although - flap open - bend down - in the upper right corner is the reference counter.
(but he also calculates every piston movement = every flushing with ! )


Posted by: Dr.Bellows February 04, 2009 11:44 pm

Hello Mr.Smith

thank you for the tips.

Has now further fine-tuned the QM and I am now at 25 -27 sec in the run with a simple espresso.
Pressure goes up to 14 bar and then drops a bit to almost 13 bar.
Is that not too high, since the pointer is in the red area?

Not that the boiler bursts ?! smile.gif

But the espresso is good, the crema that was light brown at 9 bar is now nice medium brown, like from
a good gastronomy screen carrier machine.
Now still experiment with the water and the bean variety and the optimum is soon tangible.

Greeting from Berlin !

Posted by: mr.smith February 05, 2009 02:02 pm

With the 5000A - you do not have a boiler but a thermoblock.
(Only with the 5500 - boiler)
Places can do nothing there - you can turn finer until the BG blocks or only drops come out.

Darker wird´s still if you leave the machine switched on longer
Thereby more heat - Crema darker - and more. the espresso is usually better.
You shouldn't switch off the QM all the time - you should let it run.
(if you want a cup of coffee in the next 3 hours)

Have fun with the machine ph34r.gif

Posted by: Dr.Bellows March 16, 2009 03:07 pm

Thank you again Mr. Smith for your valuable advice, which I took to heart and achieved quite satisfactory results.

Now the machine has a good 220 covers behind it, (I saw the counter thanks to your tip) and regularly do a cleaning every two days.
I limit myself to emptying and cleaning pomace containers, filling up water freshly and
brushing the inside of the coffee powder residues, which still accumulate slightly after grinding. Wipe off the seal on the piston and wipe off the edge of the strainer support (or what do you call it? ) and remove any coffee residue. Then wipe everything out with a slightly damp cloth, rinse and it's done.

- and still I have a little problem.
Lately there's always some fine ground in the espresso, so coffee grounds crumbs.
That wasn't in the beginning and I don't know where they come from, but I think they have nothing to do with a good espresso.

do I do something wrong with my cleaning? Should the sieve also be removed and cleaned ?
or is that enough once a year, e.g. if you decalcify ?

You notice, Mr. Smith, the questions don't stop.

Many thanks first !

Posted by: mr.smith March 29, 2009 10:40 pm

A few crumbs in the espresso can happen.
Sometimes they stick to the sieve - then on the next coffee ...
But it happens the same with an ST -
if you don't clean the sieve after every purchase.


Posted by: poldimachine June 04, 2013 08:51 am

Good morning!

>I'm not a newcomer to coffee VA either, and thanks to this great forum I've come to the Quickmill 05000 A.

I'm also annoyed by these beeps and want to turn them off, but my Quickmill workshop tells me that you can't cut a cable.

What kind of cable would it be, and can you cut it without hesitation without affecting other functions?

Many thanks and many greetings,

poldimachineQuick Mill MOD.05000A - OA Professional

Posted by: mr.smith June 06, 2013 01:21 pm


As described above, you don't have to cut the cable.
You just have to fix the switch with tape.
You just have to unscrew the rear panel (you need a long Phillips screwdriver)
And then remove the front panel.
Then you'll see the switch immediately.

Were the easiest way.


Posted by: poldimachine June 06, 2013 01:51 pm

Hello Jürgen ,
thank you first for your answer!
If I understand that correctly, fixing the switch only helps to be able to observe the cover when the door is open or to adjust the grind level and the amount of water when the cover is in place.
The switch-on tones or the acknowledgement tone when the cover button is pressed are not deactivated, are they? That's what I'm interested in...

Posted by: mr.smith June 08, 2013 10:13 am

Ok - then I misunderstood.

The beep must have a source,
You only have to theoretically find out (listen to)
And disconnect it.

But I haven't dealt with that yet - that's why ... No plan ph34r.gif

Posted by: Gast_Nico May 03, 2016 06:29 am


As such the beeping also got on my nerves. I have opened the machine so housing off.
In the back area there is a small round tone generator. I just stuffed a little cotton into the hole with a needle and the tone was very quiet and unobtrusive.

On this occasion you can also bridge the door contact properly or simply use a small cable tie around and is good.

Bean2cup.org > Quickmill > Questions from a QM 5000A new owner
