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electrical connection button and grinder

electrical connection button and shredder


November 02, 2022 06:24 pm



I was a little hasty in disassembling my machine and I'm not sure about the wiring of my grinder. I have a lelit PL042TEMD. In the power supply of the disposer, there is a button in series that turns it on.
I have a piece of blue wire with a terminal on each side, one of which is big enough to go on one side of my button. I
have a big terminal (okay for the button) on a brown wire and
I have a small terminal on a blue wire


I have a large terminal (ok for the button) on a brown wire and I have a small terminal on a blue wire. In relation to the terminals I think I should put the two large terminals on my button but I would have two different colors of wire so for example neutral under my button and phase above ... it does not seem normal!!!

do you have an idea or a photo on a lelit to you?

thank you