
Where is the best place to repair a Quickmill in Munich?

Posted by: lecker09 May 04, 2009 01:44 pm

as the title already says I'm looking for someone who can repair a suspected gearbox damage on a Quickmill. The piston hardly goes out now, before it made already quite bad crunching noises when driving in and out of the piston. I don't want to visit the usual suspects.

1. Actually I had only bad experiences with Azzarello. They hardly find the mistakes, send the machine to Italy in case of doubt. This may still be justifiable during the warranty period. Also the prices have ...
Also one is led then also still to the screen carriers, one should buy nevertheless rather such one.

2. The machine was already with QMD in Freiburg and what we experienced there, unbelievably. The machine was sent back and forth several times because after the "QMD quality change" (cost over 800 Euro!) it lost water again and again. Well, they can't do anything for the gear damage, but if I imagine the stress we had there, NEVER RETURN.

I would like to have someone in Munich and the surrounding area where I can personally take the machine and who has no rip-off prices.
I was also advised against the Bonners rather. And I don't really want to send around either. Someone in Munich would be best. Can also be a very clever hobbyist who does something like this on the side - I don't care. The main thing is competent.

Quick Mill MOD.05500-OA Super Cappuccino

Ups, it's probably no OA, it looks more like the model with the push buttons.

Posted by: Gast_CorlitoCaffe July 16, 2013 06:17 pm


if the way to Nuremberg is not too far for you, I would like to recommend myself. We have also been working with Quick Mill for 2 years and we have specialized in their fully automatic machines.

More about us can be found at www.CorlitoCaffe.de

Angelo Corlito

Bean2cup.org > Quickmill > Where is the best place to repair a Quickmill in Munich?
