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CF85 does what she wants

CF85 does what she wants


November 20, 2014 02:57 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

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Member No.: 25629

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Hello together

Have for more than 12 years a CF85 which I have also disassembled several times to clean and equipped with all new seals. My parents also have one running and there is another one for slaughter.

For some time now the machine has been developing a life of its own.
- The cup is filled differently without having to turn the crowd.
- The pomace container is so full that the pomace falls down at the back
- The pump makes a lot of noises as if it were about to explode
- The brewing unit cracks super loudly
- The coffee simply doesn't taste good although the cup is in order right in front of it
- The cleaning program doesn't let you start

These errors occur and then disappear again without you having changed anything.

New are the grinding cones since 3-4 years, since 1-2 years the heating.
This year the circuit board is worn out and I installed the one from the other machine and then everything was fine again.

The machine loses a lot of water again, although I changed the O rings first. But I don't see that as a problem, then more water goes through the machine.

What could it be that the errors mentioned above occur from time to time.
The worst thing is that the coffee simply no longer tastes good.
My wife doesn't drink the coffee anymore either, but only the coffee from the capsule machine which is very expensive in the long run.

Should the time of separation really come, but should you buy it?

Thanks for your help



November 20, 2014 04:07 pm



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Water/ steam and a beautiful circuit board that may have already suffered.
Circuit boards like humidity. Well maybe you'll find a board and the other things still very cheap to refurbish reasonably.
Otherwise if you absolutely want to leave a new one in your house, I would tend from the simplicity of disassembly and price/performance ratio to a Delonghi.
Yes certainly have the same as others also their quirks, but man but many things to tackle and much is already known here in the forums even great people you may ask for advice.
MfG Chris

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November 20, 2014 05:32 pm



Group: Mitglieder

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Either completely overhaul the device or purchase a new one.
You have to decide for yourself. Of course, it also depends on the budget.

Gruß Rudi


November 20, 2014 06:24 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

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Joined: November 20, 2014


The overtaking is nice and good and I've done several times myself, but what's the point with the mistakes?

To the board, I have changed the lower one which probably only switches the load, if it doesn't work properly with the basic functions it can only be the board behind the starwheels and I don't have any of that.
Does it make sense for your opinion to put money into the machine to buy another board?

Greß Kay


November 20, 2014 07:34 pm



Group: Mitglieder

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Member No.: 17460

Joined: September 16, 2012

Hello Kay,

du writes that there is still a slaughtering machine available. Accordingly, you have various spare parts options. Most of the errors you have listed are component-specific problems. These have nothing to do with electronics. The operating electronics can be removed and checked for possible corrosion, contacts cleaned, plugs checked.
This is certainly time-consuming and everyone has to decide for themselves.

Gruß Rudi


November 20, 2014 07:47 pm


Coffee drinker

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As such I will disassemble you again because I also have a set of O-rings.
I will install the pump of the other machine.

The brewing group is not complete anymore because I have used a part of it before and the grooves in the cylinder are also much deeper.

Why can it still be that the taste varies so?
I can live with the noise, the spilling and crumbling, but the coffee this afternoon was simply horrible, this morning it was much better but not very good.



November 20, 2014 08:20 pm



Group: Mitglieder

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Joined: September 16, 2012

You should definitely clean the grinder, the coffee spout and of course the brewing unit. From time to time old coffee residues can come off and get into the cup. Take out the drip tray for a test and put your fingers behind the trestle bucket. There are usually old coffee residues sitting there.
The pump actually only becomes loud when it draws air or possibly hits other components. For example, the inner distributor sleeve (water tank seal) could be defective. This would also explain the leakage (only as an example).

Gruß Rudi


November 20, 2014 08:40 pm


Coffee drinker

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Joined: November 20, 2014

How do you clean the grinder?

I've never done that before.

The water definitely comes out of the brewing group, the water tank seal was already defective once, but then it runs out again under the machine.



November 20, 2014 08:58 pm



Group: Mitglieder

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Member No.: 17460

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Have a look at the BND ( or service manuals. Everything is well documented there. The grinding mechanism does not have to be completely disassembled. After removing the grinding rings, the grinding mechanism can be cleaned properly.
The water comes safely from the brewing group or is it the drainage valve?

Gruß Rudi


November 20, 2014 09:08 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 5

Member No.: 25629

Joined: November 20, 2014

Actually, you're right, if it came from the brewing group, the water would certainly be brown like coffee, but it is much cleaner.

I'll see that I dismantle the machine at the weekend and clean.

Thanks for the tips



November 20, 2014 09:44 pm



Group: Mitglieder

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And if you need anything on parts: ask me at wink.gif

Grüße, Manuel

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