
ECAM23,450 spider

Posted by: Steinhaeger666 April 15, 2020 08:20 pm


I have a problem with my ECAM23.450:

At times it works perfectly and prepares coffee as normal. But suddenly the controls start to spin. The pump starts at the same time as the grinder, then the message "ground too fine" appears. Or the grinder runs for approx. 4 seconds, waits for a short time and then grinds coffee again for approx. 3-4 seconds before the brewing group moves to the brewing piston. Then there is too much ground coffee in the brewing group and the message "Reduce coffee quantity" appears. And then it suddenly works normally again.wacko.gifDoes anyone have any idea what could be the cause?

Bean2cup.org > DeLonghi > ECAM23,450 spider
