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Ground coffee spread everywhere

Ground coffee spread everywhere


March 19, 2023 08:04 pm


Hello everyone,
For some time I have the problem with my Siemens eq6 s100 that very much coffee powder is distributed everywhere in the machine. Thus, the cleaning is very time consuming.
I attach a picture of how it looks after a week since the last cleaning. (At about 2 latte a day)
user posted image

Can someone help me where the problem can lie?
Have already "played" with the grind but without improvement



March 20, 2023 07:12 am



Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 210

Member No.: 31782

Joined: January 14, 2018

My guess is a sluggish brew group.
The best thing to do is to disassemble it and clean everything, but please don't do it in the dishwasher!

Install new seals, grease them and the problem should be solved.

You can find disassembly instructions at or, for example.