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Connector Symbol in endless loop

Stefan E.

November 28, 2020 03:32 pm


Hello, after the coffee in the cup became less and less and a puddle formed under the machine, I took the KVA apart. All gaskets changed and cleaned and put back together again. At the flowmeter was a hose off (by the way, the only one that is not secured with a clamp), I put it on it. Twice the next day I had a great run and a puddle under the KVA again. Everything again from the front, the hose was off again, this time secured with a clamp and off it goes. It immediately shows Automatic Maintenance and the plug symbol, which remains in an endless loop no matter how long the MWIP has been disconnected from the power supply.
Does anyone have an idea how the Apparillo makes coffee again?
Thanks in advance.


June 24, 2021 09:42 am


Did you find a fix for this. I am having a similar issue with the plug icon coming up