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Bosch TES71151DE Problem

Problem with cup quantity


October 03, 2013 07:18 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 2

Member No.: 21722

Joined: September 08, 2013

Hello together,
we've had the Bosch TES71151DE for 4 weeks so far making wonderful coffee and latte.
Since today it's doing something weird when you choose the Cafe Crema selection, cup size is big
and then set 40ml extra, a big cup is only minimally full instead of as before quite full.
If you watch the coffee spout you have the feeling that it almost only comes out droplets of coffee.
The degree of grinding has already been increased no improvement.
Currently the CalcandClean program runs but after 4 weeks with good water what should be calcified there???
Who still has tips what the problem can be????
Greuss Thomas