
Settings Bosch TCA5802 (Siemens 58001)

Posted by: xTIMx March 21, 2010 12:09 pm


I bought a Bosch TCA 5802, which is supposed to be identical to the Siemens 58001.

I wanted to ask you about your experiences with the settings. On which levels did you set your machine?

Can you basically say that the finest grind and the hottest temperature result in the best coffee/espresso?

Furthermore I would be interested if you could somehow find out how many cups have already been brewed with this machine (with some machines you can somehow read that out).

Many greetings,


Posted by: ristretto March 21, 2010 12:36 pm

Hello and good morning,

the meter can be read as far as I don't know at the Bosch. The Bosch doesn't have this function display at least not with menu.
Surely the customer service can read the meter reading like at Delonghi with a diegnosegerät.

The settings grinding degree, temperature, pre-brew (if possible) should and must always be adjusted anew for each bean, because depending on the roasting (lighter/darker) the grinding degree must be adjusted as a guide one can say light roasting fine grinding degree --- dark roasting coarse grinding degree.

The temperature is also very important and should be changed for each bean type. 100%Arabica can be brewed at a good 94°C. If Robusta is used, the brewing temperature should be below 90°C.

This has to be found out by testing and then bean roasting (Roasting Info) must be used to derive and readjust this.

Posted by: xTIMx March 21, 2010 06:42 pm


Use currently the Tizio Espresso beans (from Aldi, 100% Arabica).
Temperature I will then set the hottest of the 3 levels, I should try at the grind times in the middle or even coarser?

Many greetings,


Posted by: ristretto March 21, 2010 07:01 pm

The middle is already good at then just fine-tune the grind. Attention the new grind is only noticeable after the 3rd cover.
If this is too bitter espresso or BG clogged you have to make it coarser again.

Posted by: calabi April 24, 2023 11:59 pm

How the temperature adjusts in this coffee machine?

Bean2cup.org > Other > Settings Bosch TCA5802 (Siemens 58001)
