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Other coffee maker - Coffee acidic


January 10, 2015 02:24 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1

Member No.: 26094

Joined: January 10, 2015


I am new here and have a question about my topic. Before, however, a short introduction on my part.
I have been drinking coffee from my own and from the fully automatic machines in the company for years. There were noticeable differences in taste, which I would attribute to the beans. Privately, I had a law degree in use. At work stood an old Saeco, replaced by a second-hand law. At home I quickly drink my 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning, at work more cups of coffee follow. Taste-wise the 1Kg supermarket coffee at work was okay, but not as pleasant as the "selected" varieties in 250g containers at home. However, my private law never really brought hot coffee into the cup. When preparing milk drinks with milk from the refrigerator, the respective coffee drink was even colder. Since we now have the used Jura at work, the coffee there is also warmer than with the Saeco before, which made my private coffee appear almost lukewarm. An inspection of my machine showed it was perfectly all right. So I decided to sell and now I have a Melitta.

Ab here my problem started. None of my coffees tasted real anymore. I felt it was too strong. The more I reduced the coffee strength in the menu, the better it became. But if I drink a coffee black now, I find it sour in the finish. I have set the water temperature high until I have reached the maximum. I had read this tip online. Maybe it's a little better now, but it can also be imagination. A further tip was to let the tap water run through a Brita filter, which led to the fact that the coffee tastes more intensively with me, but unfortunately also still more säuer in the finish. I also read online and followed the tip to use other beans that have a lower acid content.

Currently I have tried (after recommendations):

supremo - La Paz
100% Gourmet Robusta from Guatemala
Butter - Soft - Sweet - Pecan Nut - Aromatic - Light Fruit Note

supremo - Verona Blend
big, velvety taste complex full-bodied, fruity chocolaty
excellent coffee for cake cappuccino, cafe au lait

supremo - Zanzibar Crema
light espresso - nutty-fruity
balanced aromatic taste
" A fine crema coffee with cake "

supremo - Don Luis
"Don Luis" Premium coffee from the steep slope.
mild - slightly chocolaty - creamy - balanced - round - notes of almonds - sweet

coffee roaster Niemeyer Rinteln - holiday mix
description according to seller:
"a little acid", "mild"

And out of desperation, because none of the above coffees could currently satisfy me, from work the supermarket coffee Eduscho Gala "Café Crema"

To my amazement I realized that the Eduscho tastes best at home. It hardly has a sourish aftertaste. Then follows Don Luis with a slightly more sour aftertaste. Then come up almost immediately, Zanzibar Crema and Verona Blend. The supposedly low acidity of the holiday mixture together with the La Paz forms the "taillight". These two also taste bitter as espresso.

Now to my question, what could be the reason?
Should I reduce the water temperature again? (The coffee at home is now significantly warmer than at work, which was exactly the other way round before)
Should I change the grind level from level 2 (of 5 possible)? (The factory setting of the machine was 3, which would mean a bit coarser.
Do perhaps all coffee beans that taste sour to me have something in common that I don't recognize and is the sour aftertaste based on this?

In addition, I would like to say that I cleaned the new fully automatic machine with warm water before the first use and have been cleaning it regularly ever since. The two bean chambers are currently filled with two different varieties, as the chambers can be selected during procurement and I can compare the varieties more directly with each other. I always buy 250g containers fresh and fill a maximum of a handful of beans into the chambers so that they are used up after 2 days at the latest. In all machines original manufacturer water cartridges are used, which are exchanged naturally regularly.

Thank you very much in advance for your help and tips.



September 22, 2015 03:51 pm


I would also be happy to receive an answer here.

We are the new owners of a fully automatic machine (Saeco HD 8869/11) and my wife brought a Lavazza from the supermarket.

This one tastes very good in combination with frothed milk (cappuccino or latte macchiato or whatever), but much too bitter and sour as a simple cup of coffee.

Also we would have the possibility to exchange a bean container, i.e. a bean for "milk mixing" and a bean for a pure cup of coffee.

Who can recommend us beans for this?

Thanks, Ligaboss


September 23, 2015 12:29 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 7

Member No.: 27585

Joined: September 22, 2015

I use Lavazza for everything. They're just the best beans. Not too strong and not too weak. Unfortunately not so cheap.


December 10, 2015 04:00 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 12

Member No.: 27938

Joined: December 10, 2015

I'm always swaying and switching between Arabica and Robusta.
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