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Melitta Caffeo Ci E970-103 Coffee too aqueous



September 18, 2019 02:12 pm



I bought a coffee machine (Melitta Caffeo Ci e970-103) and dismantled it first and cleaned it meticulously and put it back together again. Afterwards I went through all the cleaning programs.

Now for my problem:

Unfortunately I have one spring left after the assembly, it is very small (approx. 5 mm wide and approx. 10 mm long) and the grind adjustment is stepless. I'm assuming there's a connection. Can you help me where this belongs exactly?

The main problem is that the machine no longer presses pads and the coffee therefore tastes very lax.
could be the reason?
I have already read myself in forums, but unfortunately found no posts, should I have overlooked a post, I like to point it out.
For the
Zusmambau I
the komtra videos on Youtube
Mfg and many thanks Tim