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Decalcification eq.500

eq.500, why descale every 3 weeks ?


October 08, 2020 10:34 pm


why do you have to descale every 3 weeks, even if you use a water filter ?
I don't quite understand that. How often would it be then, WITHOUT a water filter ?


October 08, 2020 10:42 pm


just for your information, water hardness is set to 3 and I have about 5 - 8 covers / day


March 08, 2021 09:51 am


It's the same with me. Water hardness 1, filter in and about 4 cups / day.
Have called Siemens hotline ..... "The problem is not known to us, you have to send in the machine, then it will be checked".
Since it is still in the warranty period, I will probably do that in the holiday season times ..... We'll see.
Is in any case annoying.