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Nivona Melitta identical in construction

fully automatic coffee maker


September 27, 2016 01:31 pm


Hello together,

I am now for weeks me by various offers, opinions etc about coffee machines to fight.

>Nivona 838 o. 778
Siemens EQ6 (resp. Bosch)
Jura E8

As I currently have a Melitta CaffeoSolo that is slowly getting older and no longer does what I want it to do, I need a new one.

So now to the actual question.
Are the machines of Nivona (narrowest choice) and Melitta identical in construction? In the special Nivona 646 and CaffeoSolo etc but also in Nivona 838 grinder etc the same as Melitta!? I find that the design, the display arrangement, the operation, the grinder, the brewing group and much more resemble each other suspiciously. Because if all this is the same I wonder where the 300-400 Euro price difference comes from?!

Vll somebody here knows more about it. As far as I know both manufacturers have Eugster produce.

Many thanks for your help!



September 27, 2016 11:07 pm



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The case will be different, the inner workings of many brands are very similar, if not equal.
Except for the processor, which is programmed on Nivona, Miele, Melitta, and as they may not all be called,
on their knowledge and taste yield.

The pointlessness alone if each name would knit together its own brewing unit, it would be as in many areas completely uneconomical.

If you look around in the KVA´s you will also find many loners.
DL, Jura, Catronic/Ariete, Severin, Krups, etc.

Now the Caffeo Solo is designed for the pure coffee drinker, single or duo household.

I would like to take it off before it ends up in the Coitainer.

>MFg Chris

P.S. Note that you do not have the possibility to remove the brewing unit from the Jura.


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September 28, 2016 09:18 am


Hello Chris,

Many thanks for your detailed answer. Since you are a waste incineration professional, I'd like to ask myself 1 2 more questions because I don't quite know what the difference is in the production of the coffee if it's the same components because grinding or brewing the coffee differently doesn't work with the same components?!

2. Which would you prefer if you have the choice between Jura, Bosch, Nivona, etc.? Melitta?

>Many thanks already times!

And oh yes, in the container the Melitta of course does not come, so far she has held out scarcely 7 years without a lack and a backup in the cellar is never bad :-)! Only I would like now more possibilities of nem KVA and gaaaaaaanz so great the coffee also no longer becomes!
Best greetings


October 01, 2016 08:05 am



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even if I'm not Chris...

to 1.
With the same settings the
coffee will be the same for the same components. More expensive devices sometimes offer more than
adjustment possibilities (e.g. temperature etc.) and often have more than
more possibilities to program different beverages firmly on one button
Nivona/Melitta and Jura have e.g. the same heaters,
pumps and grinders, but the brewing plant is different.
For my taste the advantage of Jura is the normal
coffee, of Nivona/Melitta the espresso. Whereby of course everything
is good to drink...

to 2.
I would always prefer a Jura - even if it has no
removable brewing unit. With Nivona or Melitta you can
decide according to design - or also according to the different possibilities of different Melitta to manage two bean varieties < br>. But inform yourself exactly, there are mechanical
(rather insufficient) and (better) electronic variants like
that is solved.
Bosch/Siemens I see rather difficult. I don't get quite warm with the
things and they ingest themselves in the brewing room < br> also actually within a short time in such a way that there would be a < br> catastrophe there without < br> a removable brewing unit after a few weeks. < br> < br> greeting < br>BS

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October 01, 2016 03:50 pm



Many thanks for your detailed answer! Unfortunately, I read too late, because I had thick faxes this morning and got me a Nivona 778. But judging by your statement, I did everything right. At the end stood Nivona or Jura, because the Nivona fits better in my kitchen it would finally be this and due to (but not decisive 250 euros price difference to Jura).

That with the BSH devices was talked out to me also in the specialized trade this morning "again", the consultation was really great the lady had right idea. According to her statement, the BSH devices cannot even be opened non-destructively and that with the catastrophe in the interior regarding mold etc. was also mentioned.

Anyway I can say after the breakfast coffee and a few tries that the Nivona makes really good coffee, at the moment I use the coffee from Nivona because I got it on top of the cleaning material.

I would like to thank you again for your help and drink now another cappuccino :-)!

Best regards


October 02, 2016 07:13 am



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You should only note that the Nivona CR77x is a relatively space-saving device. This is ALWAYS associated with an increased
cleaning effort.

Do not take out the brewing unit too seldom and clean
always everything that you come to inside properly.
Otherwise it can also come in this device because of the scarce
space conditions more easily to schmodderbildung.


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jemand Hilfe benötigt kann ich vielleicht dort


October 02, 2016 03:25 pm



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QUOTE]The BSH devices were talked out of my mouth again this morning in the specialist shops, the advice was really great - the lady had a good idea. According to her, the BSH devices can not even be opened non-destructively yet and that with the catastrophe in the interior regarding mold etc. was also mentioned.

Please me, a cleaning of the interior and the brewing unit should be done in regular weekly intervals.
As the " lady" who has advised you, may I hear from you.

Non-destructive? Unfortunately I can open these machines non-destructively.
What nonsense. This shows that she only wanted to sell her own KVA`s.
Sorry this is my opinion.

You have a good device in your possessions now.

MfG Chris

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December 28, 2019 11:52 am


QUOTE (Matzo149 @ Saturday, 01 October 2016, 15:50 hrs)

Thank you for your detailed answer, but I read it too late, because I was fed up with all the nonsense this morning and got myself a Nivona 778. But judging by your statement, I did everything right. In the end it was Nivona or Jura, as the Nivona would fit better into my kitchen it would finally be this one and due to (but not decisive 250 Euro price difference to Jura).

The BSH devices were also "talked out" of it this morning in the specialized trade, the consultation was really great - the lady had a good idea. According to her, the BSH devices cannot even be opened non-destructively and the disaster in the interior regarding mould etc. was also mentioned.

In any case, after the breakfast coffee and a few tries I can say that Nivona makes really good coffee, at the moment I use the coffee from Nivona because I got it on top of the cleaning material.

I would like to thank you again for your help and have a cappucino now :-)!

Kind regards

I have recently opened a 7 year old Jura, inside the mold was blooming (really delicious) I buy only one where the brewing unit goes out!