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Gaggia Titanium plusIt comes too little water

There's not enough water

Meister M

July 13, 2009 07:28 pm


Gaggie Titanium plus
Type was not to be found here

Despite cleaning and decalcification simply too little water arrives during coffee brewing. It's just a drop at a time. The brew group I have now already a few times raus and gespühlt not even further, because more you can almost not make

Meister M

July 13, 2009 07:57 pm


Problem solved
I simply unscrewed the knob E Plus. This is how to remove the cover with the G carefully with a knife (needle, screwdriver), loosen the Phillips screw and pull the whole part (brewing nozzles) backwards. Open and clean, as well as with a small compressor Freipusten and one sees again the hole. Let the water run through and the coffee runs through again super.
That this small part can get clogged, one reads nowhere
As if who it is the same and dares only to it saves an expensive repair or a new brewing nozzle.