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VeroBar 100 (Siemens EQ7) - Brewing process interrupts


March 16, 2021 08:48 pm


Hello all,

Our VeroBar 100 TES71151DE/20 (identical in construction to Siemens EQ7) is slowly getting out of service after a few years of faithful service. It started some time ago that it first hissed a bit when taking hot water, but then ran quite well.
However, for a few days now, making milk drinks no longer works. With a latte macchiato, the part with the milk still runs through very well, but coffee then no longer comes.

You can hear the beans being ground and also the water being raised, so I think pressure is being built up somewhere. But then there is a loud hiss and it all ends up in the drip tray. There is then water in the drip tray as well as the coffee residue tray, although there is very little water in the latter.

After a lot of playing around, I've managed twice to make an espresso when I've tapped hot water right before. That wasn't really reproducible, though. Normal coffee can almost always be made, but the failure frequency seems to be increasing.

The machine has been decalcified on and off over the years and I clean the brewing unit regularly. I have looked critically at the brewing unit itself again now, but can't find anything obviously defective, so I can't find any cracks or anything like that.

I have read in various other reports that it could be the ceramic valve.

Does anyone know if my descriptions could match a defective ceramic valve, or could someone please tell me how I could better narrow down the cause? After all, the side valve has to stay closed when brewing, otherwise I would like to see where the water is running next to it.

Thanks in advance,


March 17, 2021 12:05 pm


Hello everyone,

another addendum: After I had got yesterday the first Calc&Clean process still quite well through, the machine wanted to release the second time no longer much water from the milk nozzle. Filling a cup with hot water still works, but it takes 3 times longer than before. Coffee I can now no longer prepare and now I have under the coffee maker, so on the kitchen counter, after each attempt several thick coffee drops. Something is not getting through somewhere. However, I don't know where to find the plug.

Many greetings,



December 29, 2021 12:27 am


Hello Fridolin
, Have you found a solution?