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Ventilation breaks off

Error 05


May 11, 2019 12:03 pm


Hello, everybody,

I'm new here and have the problem with my Intelia Deluxe HD8904/1:

After switching on the machine, the water drop with the 2 arrows in a circle and the OK hook light up in the display. When
I press OK, the hot water nozzle first produces a powerful jet of hot water, after about 2/3 there is no more water and shortly after that the process is stopped to start again. This always happens exactly 3 times then the display turns red and the fork wrench with error 05
lights up. I

already watched the video of Philips but couldn't

find any help


many greetingsJörg


May 26, 2019 12:17 am



Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 455

Member No.: 28864

Joined: June 07, 2016

Error 05 indicates incorrect water flow. Fill the water tank with decalcifier (Durgol, SHB decalcifier, do not use organic decalcifier) and switch on the machine, let it work for 15 minutes. If that doesn't work, the thin inlet nozzle in the flowmeter is clogged.

KVA:WMF 800 ST: Lelit Bianca PL 162