
Bar Cube / Bar Cube 2 Fault diagnosis

Posted by: Carina89 August 04, 2023 02:38 pm

Here were some older posts for the Bar Cube and Bar Cube 2 regarding troubleshooting.

I can try to help if anyone is still looking for help.

Posted by: Gast_Adi January 21, 2024 08:35 am

hello, I have a mellitta bar cube 2, I have a problem when I connect the water, the water just goes through the pipe where the steam should go and it stops me and the hourglass on the display keeps turning while it's doing it, thank you very much

Posted by: Gast_Adi January 21, 2024 08:36 am

Znaci voda samo tece kroz cijev za paru

Bean2cup.org > Melitta > Bar Cube / Bar Cube 2 Fault diagnosis
