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Melitta Caffeo Solo does not brew

Coffee powder lands in drip tray


May 31, 2019 06:49 am


I have already read some good tips here, but before I test them all, I wanted to ask again..
. In an
emergency, a
warranty claim?

Machine or brewing unit should be cleaned, brewing unit could be removed somewhat more difficult than usual and then no longer used... With the key combination it sits again, but after switching on the machine starts normally, but is not brewed... the ground coffee lands in the collecting tray, the power key flashes for a short while, then the bean symbols run through and then the machine switches off. The brewing unit is very difficult to remove, so I did not use it at the moment


Since I only got the machine as a gift about a year ago, I don't want to do anything that would be bad for the device or warranty


Thank you very much for the help!



May 31, 2019 09:41 am


:I had the idea
to test
the brewing unit in our office machine
(same model)... but the unit can't be unlocked completely, after the key combination you can, but it can't be removed...

Please help me, without coffee I am not human...
