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Nivona or stay with Nespresso?


August 08, 2014 09:13 pm


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my wife and I are passionate coffee drinkers
and have actually had Nespresso in our house for a long time.
Nespresso capsules are unbeatable in taste, even the milk frother is top (the coffee price is of course also unique).

My questions:

1. Is a Nivona (855) comparable in coffee taste?
2. Is it also possible to heat the milk foam with the Nivona?
3. Is a different KVA recommended? (I have the Nivona 855 in my sights, because you can adjust quite a lot, price ... nor... ok-, tests good).

By the way, an acquaintance has a S2Touch from which the coffee tasted pretty good, but this machine is not recommended.

Thanks for tips.

VG sit


August 20, 2014 06:31 am


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do not take any advice, ... nobody has this machine(s)?

- Was it at a dealer and he says:

Nespresso is better in coffee taste around worlds
Nivona produces a bad milk foam etc.

He recommended me Jura J9 with aroma grinder (almost 2000 Euro) and I drank from Nivona u. Jura Gratiscappu.
Here I have to say that Jura really produced the better taste and the much stiffer milk foam.
Other I should buy a strainer, there one can also make coffee (hot water...), tastewise superior to the Nespresso beside the specialties.

... Now I am a passionate coffee drinker (taste, temperature, strength).

Aside from the price I would like to have a removable brew group (in order to cleanse) + the milk foam system (Nivona?), which can probably be better cleaned, at the KVA.

Now I am completely overexamined.
- Is the difference in taste really so engraved or was it due to the beans (you can influence the dealer well).
- How do you froth the milk?
- What about cleaning (machine + milk system)?

Thank you for advice


August 20, 2014 05:00 pm



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So, the two KVA´s are from very well-known manufacturers, whether now the Jura or the Nivona take, is only a pure matter of taste, if I would have the both here would have and you as a KVA layman to me come I can naturally the taste so adapt (before) that one of the both falls out.
If you want a removable brew group, then the Nivona, otherwise it will show up.
Give you only one on the way, regularly decalcify with amidosulfonic acid.
Maintenance and cleaning are and remain the basic pillars of every KVA`s
MfG Chris
P.S. Not everything in the net is based on truth.

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August 21, 2014 06:02 pm


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Thanks for the answer,

... so as I can tell, the coffee/cappu tastes as good from the Nivona as it does from the Jura.
- How about the milk foam?

Had I actually chosen the Nivona 855, but I'm not sure yet.



August 22, 2014 12:48 am


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we own since this year the Nivona 767.

An evaluation which machine makes the better coffee is not possible by a tasting cup actually. There are too many variables and personal preferences. In a longer comparison, however, evaluations are certainly possible. For example, we previously had an AEG CS 5200, which produces brown broth with the same beans opposite the Nivona.

The programming options and the central outlet for all beverage types without a separate frother were decisive for the 767. The milk frother is nevertheless easy and quick to clean without special agents.

We find the milk froth to be firm and long-lasting. It is automatically generated by the central outlet with the addition of steam. However, a very small proportion of non-foamed milk is also produced.
The milk froth produced by us using an external milk frother (Nespresso) has no firmer consistency.

The removable brewing unit is also rinsed during the switch-off rinse. So far we have not had any major soiling when removing them.

The 700 series is in no way inferior to the 800 series in terms of the desired scope of equipment.

Hearly welcome

Nivona CafeRomatica 767


August 22, 2014 05:49 pm



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Removable brewing group, I personally find more advantageous.
I can re-grease it if necessary, the cleaning can be done under clear water.
Can also clean the interior with a brush and kitchen paper excellent.
So I think I wish a nice coffee pleasure from here
MfG Chris

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August 24, 2014 10:17 pm


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so on Saturday I was with my wife now a little further away ..... with a competent dealer, which screen carrier of ECM, KVA Nivona and Jura repairs, waits and sells all machines.
Here we had plenty of time to drink coffee, espresso and cappuccino from the Nivona 855 and Jura J9.4 - each with the same coffee brand (28.- Euro/kg).
The trained hotelier/barista convinced us that coffee from the Jura tastes best. Espresso was no difference to Nespresso.
He showed us the brewing groups in disassembled condition in detail ... and that the hygienically certified Jura can normally not develop mould.
If you buy the Z9, you could even remove the brewing group yourself (if you should doubt it).
What do you think about this?
As the taste of the ass and the milk foam were actually better in the Jura.

Thank you for your advice.


August 26, 2014 07:50 pm



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Now this is finally a decision that lies with you, actually your decision is already fixed, or?
Mfg Chris

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