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Nivona 725

after decalcification, the *system is filled*


December 21, 2014 05:17 pm


Hello Nivona User,

my 725 Romatica finishes the *system fills* operation after descaling not ?

Has any experience and can help me `?

Many DAnk



January 12, 2015 09:50 am


Hello Klaus,

have the same problem as you........
have you got a solution?

Martin (Hobbytechniker)

January 14, 2015 12:26 am



Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1378

Member No.: 22501

Joined: November 20, 2013

Sounds like a problem with the flowmeter.

The decalcifier was probably not a liquid decalcifier used but powder or tabs...Correct..?

Probably the small turbine in the flow meter stuck to a piece of granulate.


January 16, 2015 03:41 pm


hello, with ours she pulls also no water she has disassembled and cleaned all the rubber pipes now I have the problem that I do not get this flowmeter back with the schleuchen reinbekommen has someone pictures of it that I can compare it, picture on despair ,


January 17, 2015 11:14 am


QUOTE (Martin (Hobby Technician) @ Wednesday, January 14, 2015January 2015, 00:26 am)
Sounds like a problem with the flow meter.

The decalcifier was probably not a liquid decalcifier used but powder or tabs...Correct..?

Probably the small turbine in the flow meter stuck to a piece of granulate.

I took normal liquid decalcifier.
Since I'm still in the decalcifier program, the coffee maker wants to push the air out through the milk frother's channel. But nothing comes out there:-)


January 17, 2015 02:05 pm



Group: Moderatoren

Posts: 2077

Member No.: 24425

Joined: May 29, 2014

Please, what in your opinion is normal liquid descaler?
Durgol, Eilfix or similar descaler on amidosulfonic acid and nothing else.
Lemon or vinegar are only good for Portemanaie...
MfG Chris

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January 18, 2015 10:07 am


So, I took the machine apart yesterday. Flowmeter was tip top.
Then I slowly worked my way forward over the pump and the heater. Was everything tip top and also absolutely without lime.

The hoses make a few bends at the front. A thick plug of lime was stuck in a bend. Now I can make coffee again. Only the milk frother doesn't work yet. There's probably lime in there somewhere, too. Grrrr. Now I gotta take this thing apart again. But I think I found my problem.