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Weak coffee, not enough grounded beans?

The coffee is diluted. Small ‘cakes’.


May 02, 2020 08:19 am


There simple seems to be not enough coffee in the cakes. They are wet too. Could there be a blockage in the mill? How to check? Changing fine-coarse grinding changes nothing.
Siemens TK 76 K 573

May 02, 2020 08:22 am


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 2

Member No.: 38586

Joined: May 02, 2020

Registered myself now. happy.gif
Please reply here.

May 07, 2020 03:16 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 2

Member No.: 38586

Joined: May 02, 2020

I have dismantled the grinder and cleaned the grinder housing, as per this video
around 4:50.

Still, the cookies are nowhere near fully-sized.

My question is what is the source of the problem.
1. Hardware (will replacing the grinder with a new one solve the problem?)
2. Software (a timing issue maybe? nothing I can fix myself I'm afraid)

Please help me out if you can.

Siemens TK 76 K 573