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Quickmill 5500 Supercappu or Schaerer Siena 2 ?


April 03, 2006 06:42 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 2

Member No.: 206

Joined: April 03, 2006

Hello everybody,

After a lot of thinking and researching we decided not to buy a "plastic"-VA but to make a bigger investment and buy a - well, let's say - semi-professional VA.

The decision now fluctuates between the Quickmill 5500 Supercappuccino and the Schaerer Siena 2, both VA, which are supposed to make a very good espresso (close to the sieve carrier quality) and offer a large choice in the preparation of milk espresso variations.

A screen carrier is eliminated for several reasons, we want to have a VA, but we still have a high probability of having fun with it in 8 or 10 years.

I am happy about any comment about these two machines, especially in terms of points:

1. quality espresso
2. cleaning effort automatic milk frother
3. quality milk froth
4. maintenance intensity of the VA generally
5. known "defects" of the devices or "conspicuous" advantages

On Friday I will have the Siena 2 times live demonstration including tasting of espresso samples.

The Quickmill can only be seen in Bonn or directly in Freiburg at QMD. If anyone knows of a Quickmill 5500 Supercappuccino demonstration in Detmold or Dortmund or Hamburg or the surrounding area, please let us know.

Thank you in advance for your contributions!

Hear regards.