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No hot milk at Jura z8


March 28, 2020 09:39 pm


Hi, I
just had the same problem with my Z8, the milk foam works but hot
milk only squirts.

My Z8 is now a good 3 years old and until now I haven't had this problem. I had tried everything, new milk hose, new foam nozzle, the complete part and finally the steam connector with the

rubber pencil.

Nothing helped. Even the tip to make the milk cover without the nozzle

didn't help.

Then I did what the Jura Service had advised the other forum participants to do, set the milk temperature down to 1 (I had always set it down to 9 and then already down to 7) and there you go. The milk again without injecting and still nice and warm. I have noticed that the coffee is hotter than when the machine was new, the same will be true for the milk. The only thing that surprises me now is why the machine heats better now, maybe it is because of the thermostat that regulates the temperature. I'll bring this

up at

the next service


Check it out, maybe it'll help you guys