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Caffeo Barista TS

Brewing unit is stuck

Wilfried Potts

December 19, 2017 01:58 pm


Hello, I clean the brewing unit weekly. This time she won't let herself be taken out anymore.
Does anyone know a trick?


December 27, 2017 03:44 pm


Hello, the stage unit is sometimes difficult to remove. I then take out the drip tray and press from the inside with my hand against the brewing brew and at the same time pull the outer lever.

Wiley CKoyote

February 21, 2021 02:54 pm


I had this issue too, it appears to be caused by "coffee sludge" remaining between the housing and the brewing group.
Looking in to the cause of this I found the black rubber in the pressure mechanism to be worn out and thus spoiling wet coffee when pressurizing. It falls from the top to bottom of the machine all over the mechanism.

The specific ring can be reordered on many sites. I saw a german maintenace guy on youtube advising to replace this rubber 1once or twice a year depending on maintenace wear.... e.g. the more you drink, your milage will vary.

It's a piece that comes alone or in a set accompanied with "o-rings". Total about 13 euros to 6 euros for the rubber ring in the pressure chamber.

N.B. note how it came out! I didn't. Now i dont know how to refit the new one. the profile of the ring in the presure chanber is a u-shape. ... up or down...?! ohmy.gif
(and the 0-rings are o's of course)

Hope this is usefull to you and others.

Happy caffeeine!