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Krupps Espresseria Automatic


Dieter Reimuth

February 08, 2010 11:51 am


Hello, dear coffee friends.
Have the following problem.

The coffee maker wants to do a
self-test,also starts with
with.When the message "Empty both containers
and insert the protective compartment"

is not possible to pull out the protective compartment.
After that I can brew a coffee,
then comes back the message self test,which

>machine starts.but then breaks off again.
both tanks empty and the problem
is the same.protective compartment cannot be removed.

maybe somebody can give me a hint

thanks to you.

>greeting from Kassel
then thank you ever.


February 08, 2010 05:06 pm


Hello.I found the error
.I put the machine on
the side,and so I could
see that at the brewing group a
lever had jammed with the slider at the
side.the lever after
pressed down,and the slider was again
free.machine works again.
maybe I can somebody with it

greeting Dieter