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Watery coffee at Saeco Talea Ring Plus

Piu Cafe Schümli Royal (Watery)


January 04, 2009 01:26 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1

Member No.: 3475

Joined: January 04, 2009

Hello everybody,

>We finally bought a VA 2 weeks ago. (Saeco Talea Ring Plus).
At the beginning and with the coffee supplied by Saeco (Saeco "Miscela BAR") everything was great the way you imagine it to be.
Without adjusting the grind or doing any other experiments it was just delicious.
The 250 grams were used up very quickly.
On the advice of the Saeco seller, we bought a "PIU CAFE Schümli Royal 1kg 16,95 which, no matter what strength and setting, unfortunately only runs like water out of the machine.
Can anyone help me? I am totally disappointed .
Is the cafe not suitable for my VA ???
Do now have a cheap Melitta bella crema at which it is ok !!!
Thank you in advance


April 26, 2009 05:20 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 5

Member No.: 4304

Joined: April 23, 2009

We have the same machine, the included coffee was really great. I guess the re-bought coffee for expensive money wasn't anything. Just try another one until it fits the taste. We are now stuck at Tschibo Espresso Milanese Art, but everyone has a different taste.
But I already had a pack of coffee (fortunately only 250 gr.), which did not meet our taste.
Gr. Holger

Wenn Doping, dann Kaffee!!!
Mein VA : Saeco Talea Ring Plus ohne Milk Island