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Melitta Caffeo CI fuse F1

Fuse on power board defective


October 12, 2020 07:46 pm


Hello everyone, maybe someone here can help me. While assembling my Melitta Caffeo CI, the contacts of the grinder must have come together. This caused a short circuit. I am an electronics engineer myself. On the circuit board the F1 fuse is now burnt. My question is what kind of fuse has to be put in there. Soldering is no problem, I can do it, but I have never seen anything like this before. Thanks a lot in advance.


October 22, 2020 06:41 pm


My melitta seems to have the same problem.
Today it got stuck on the cleaning program, then i moved it, might have gotten some water inside. Turned it on and the grinder was stuck on, without the brew head inside.
Then there was a fuse popping sound, and the machine shut off..

not it cant be turned on, when holding the (on) button down, only the grinder runs, but there are no lights at all.

Its about 2 years old.

Sorry i cant help :-)