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Bosch TKN68E

Water filling indicator does not go off


September 30, 2014 10:02 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1

Member No.: 25246

Joined: September 30, 2014

Hello coffee-friends,
the good piece doesn't matter anymore. The water fill indicator does not go out, even with a full tank. Recently decalcified! How is the tank capacity measured, who has a clue? It worked again after a little jerking on the tank, but now she's silent. ...they want to grab 250 bricks each time they service and don't tell you what's really broken mad.gif


October 02, 2014 07:11 am



Group: Moderatoren

Posts: 2077

Member No.: 24425

Joined: May 29, 2014

Take the tank off and look where the float sits, grab a pinboard magnet and hold it at the place on the machine where otherwise it sits from the water tank, if then water fill indicator goes out it is because of the magnet, which to change is no witchcraft.
If it doesn't work it's the reed sensor which is behind the plastic cover.
This is easy to change even with some manual skill.
Pull the power plug during the last task !!!!
MfG Chris

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