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Wet marc container

wet marc, water in marc


April 01, 2016 02:19 pm


Moin Together,

>Yesterday my new coffee machine Delonghi 22.110b is angeokmmen.
Naturally I have built this directly and actually already found my setting (grinder 3.5 and coffee strength quite centered).
beans I bought myself the Sotre Espresso Gran Crema "Ionia".

Now to my question:
1. When the machine is switched on and off there is an automatic rinsing process, after each rinsing process there is some water in the marc container
-> Is that normal?

2. My pomace is always wet and disintegrates when it falls into the container.
->-> Is that normal?

About an image of what the container looks like after turning on, 1x coffee and turning off.

user posted image

Thanks for your answers!
PS: The coffee tastes really good to me!
PS: The top is always a nice crema, almost 2mm thick...

Gruß Markus


April 05, 2016 02:58 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 20

Member No.: 10673

Joined: November 28, 2010

I also had the problem with my machine pretty soon after I bought it.

The brewing group had to be replaced.