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Bosch veroselection

Carsten 67

June 28, 2017 09:55 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1

Member No.: 30702

Joined: June 28, 2017

Want to share my experiences or weak points + advantages of this machine with you. The machine is at work in the office and I take care of it, so to speak. The purchase decision was made with the 15000 cups or 2 years warranty. Optically it looks top operation is also ok. Great in our case you can save 6 users. SO THE machine is now about 3.5 years old and has almost 23000 cups behind it. Weak points are the setting knob (display jumped around) and a leak in the machine, water came out at the bottom when the coffee was brewed. It was great that these defects appeared just after 22 months and approx. 13000 cups. So everything was done on guarantee. Unfortunately I can't say anything about the milk supply because we don't use it in the office for hygienic reasons (who cleans).
Fazit except for the somewhat high price a top machine with good quality compared to the predecessor of a Bosch benvenuto b60 which made about 60000 cups but was in this time 4 times at the factory customer service (each about 180 €).Furthermore the brewing group can be easily removed and rinsed. My tip: do without the expensive water filters and prefer to decalcify + clean regularly and grease the brewing group. Maybe someone will help, we would buy them over and over again.


June 29, 2017 08:45 am



Group: Moderatoren

Posts: 2077

Member No.: 24425

Joined: May 29, 2014

Hello, here would be a Semiprofigerät better.
A complaint with 60.000 cups and four times something defective.
There has unfortunately a question mark over my head.

MfG Chris

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