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Cafe Bonitas New Star One Touch

Breast foam pump defective


November 11, 2017 12:35 pm


My fully automatic coffee machine Cafe Bonitas Newstar One Touch has a defective breastpump 1.5 years after it was purchased. The machine no longer draws milk!
This was discovered by a building services specialist. Leidert Cafe Bonitas basically does not provide spare parts:((
It is worth it to use the repair service of Cafe Bonitas for 99€?
In very uncertain whether the machine for this price fully functional again arrives at me!!!
Heartfelt thanks,


November 11, 2017 04:03 pm



Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 455

Member No.: 28864

Joined: June 07, 2016

Breast pump? Hihihi with that one I won't have it fixed. Send them back to China and buy yourself something real.

KVA:WMF 800 ST: Lelit Bianca PL 162