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melitta caffeo ci oder Melitta barista

buying recommendation and decalcification


April 29, 2018 09:16 am


Coffee lover

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 30

Member No.: 15850

Joined: April 07, 2012

hello together , i always had saeco machines ,
because the newer models don't like me so much
i met Melitta Kva
tendiere between
Melitta coffeo ci ca 600 euro , (reasonbuy)
and Melitta Barista ts Smart (if I want to treat myself to something ) ca 1000 euro
in the tests both machines come off quite well
my questions
I would like to hot creamy milk foam and caffee
can you change and save quantities and temperature over the buttons of the products,
or only over my coffee?
then I read that the melitta ci hot decalcifies !
I always use the eilfix decalcifier based on amidosulfide ,
that would be probably too heavy with ?
the saeco machines decalcify all cold .

would appreciate a paaar of information just about the temperature and the coffee/milk froth, some writing, not hot enough

and about decalcifying if anyone has experience with it .

thank you guys for once


April 29, 2018 02:43 pm



Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 455

Member No.: 28864

Joined: June 07, 2016

Decalcifying is sausage. There are's only noble jet pipes in the boiler, they do not care whether it is hot or cold. In my opinion, you've been sitting on a false report.

Milk foam is never warmer than 60°C after which it collapses again. So what do you mean by warm/hot?

The Melittas are identical in technique. The barista has just more döns and games.

KVA:WMF 800 ST: Lelit Bianca PL 162


April 29, 2018 08:56 pm


Coffee lover

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 30

Member No.: 15850

Joined: April 07, 2012

i had read that the eilfix decalcifier is good, i think so too, but if you hot decalcify it but fas a bit too aggressive for the boiler is .

To the warmth i mean,
had a comparison at youtube between saecoPicobarista and melitta ci seen
there it was said with the saeco the latte very hot but with the melitta cooler but ok .


April 30, 2018 08:17 am



Group: Mitglieder

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If you want to screw on the machine yourself later, use the CI. The barista is relatively "obstructed"
and in some places very difficult to wait.


Ich schaue hier nur noch ganz selten vorbei.
In verschiedenen anderen Foren bin ich mit
dem gleichen Nickname zu finden, falls mal
jemand Hilfe benötigt kann ich vielleicht dort


April 30, 2018 08:18 pm


Coffee lover

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 30

Member No.: 15850

Joined: April 07, 2012

no screw on it i don't want to,
mir it's purely about whether the extra charge compared to the ci is worth
i like to drink my drinks very warm, the saecos do that pretty good
but i would like to buy me one of the two melittas
maybe someone can still write me from the two
experience reports ,