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AEG CS 5000

thin coffee


December 16, 2013 03:30 am


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1

Member No.: 22788

Joined: December 16, 2013


since I am new I have already tried to read me here. But unfortunately I did not become really smart where I attack now best my problem concerning. Therefore I describe first of all my problem:

Machine actually runs as it should. Only there's more water than coffee. And also too much filling in the cup. It is actually always the same filling quantity - no matter at which setting.

Pomace is also very moist.

Where do I best start now?

-Oberem "Brühkolben" decalcify? (Did I read somewhere here, but can't find it any more? *grumml*)
clean grinder?
revise brewing group? So new rubbers/ gaskets? (is my suspicion)

do not want to repair anything broken - so I would be really grateful for your suggestions.
