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14th day of coffee


1 October is the day of coffee

Day of coffeeimage source: Deutscher Kaffeeverband e.V.

The German Coffee Association is calling 1 October the 14th Coffee Day. The association also presents a few interesting facts on the topic.

  • Around 164 litres of coffee are drunk per capita in Germany every year. This makes coffee the most widely consumed drink, ahead of water and beer.
  • Coffee is most commonly consumed at home (73.3%). Coffee drunk there is also rated best by far (grade 1.6), followed by coffee in restaurants (grade 2.0) and at work (grade 2.1).
  • On average1,8 different coffee preparation systems and types are used in German kitchens. Far at the top is the filter coffee machine. It is represented in 54 percent of households. Second and third place are occupied by the coffee pad machine (24%) and the fully automatic coffee machine (23%).
  • Every fourth coffee is drunk outside the home - most often at the workplace. Coffee is omnipresent there: In almost every company (97%) employees can get a cup of coffee. More than half of the workplaces (57%) offer coffee free of charge to employees.

Numerous activities and events will take place throughout Germany as part of Coffee Day. Anyone who wants to find out more about the cultivation and processing of coffee, for example, or who wants to watch the professionals roasting coffee over their shoulder or taste special coffee specialities can find all the dates at

Deutscher Kaffeeverband e.V.



After a technical study in 2005 he went to a repair center for electrical appliances. When there was a lot of coffee, many coffee machines were dismantled and analysed. Since then he shares his knowledge online. A real coffee junkie.