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Today is coffee day


15th "Day of Coffee" on 1 October

Day of coffee 2020image source: Deutscher Kaffeeverband

Today, on 1 October 2020, the 15th "Day of Coffee" is celebrated. The average citizen drinks 166 litres per year. This makes coffee the undisputed favourite drink in many countries. Numerous companies use the day as a platform for their marketing activities. For example, the companies Lavazza or Klatch Coffee Roasting offer a 20% discount on many coffees.

The German Coffee Association has put a competition online. Here you can send in a photo with a coffee reference. All activities and participating companies are listed on the website of the German Coffee Association and can be found at the following address:

The "Day of Coffee" was launched by the German Coffee Association in 2006. Since 2015 the day is also celebrated internationally. Organizer of the International Coffee Day is the International Coffee Organization (ICO).


After a technical study in 2005 he went to a repair center for electrical appliances. When there was a lot of coffee, many coffee machines were dismantled and analysed. Since then he shares his knowledge online. A real coffee junkie.